Alicante, 30-31 May 2019

The EUIPO Boards of Appeal, together with the EUIPO Academy and the International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department of EUIPO, are organising the second IP Mediation Conference, which will be held on 30-31 May 2019.
The conference takes place in EUIPO’s headquarters in Alicante, Spain. Leading experts from national and international institutions, academia and from EUIPO itself will gather to address a wide range of topics in the field of intellectual property mediation.
Mediation is a growing trend in intellectual property, and an increasingly sought-after method of dispute resolution. Through panel discussions, audience interaction and real-world examples of IP mediation in practice, the conference will explore the benefits and added value of mediation for all parties.Conference programme
Highlights of the conference include:
The added value of mediation: bringing together mediation experts as well as owners of different-sized companies (from industry to micro-
enterprises), speakers will shed light on how mediation unfolds for all parties through concrete examples.
IP mediation trends and practices around the globe: focusing on mediation trends for patents and trade marks, this session analyses practices
in countries such as the UK, the Baltic States, Singapore and China. International organisation-led mediation at EUIPO and WIPO will also be
explored, as will mandatory mediation rules coming into force in the Philippines as and from 2019.
Judicial IP mediation: with mediation now becoming integrated in many national judicial systems both inside and outside the EU, this session
focuses on how legislation increasingly tends to incorporate judicial mediation court systems across Europe. The example of the Unified Patent
Court (UPC) Arbitration and Mediation Centre will be studied.
Artificial Intelligence and mediation: an in-depth look at how AI has developed over recent years, and is becoming a useful tool in supporting and
facilitating the mediation process.
Intervention and influencing skills in IP disputes: the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) will provide insight on how to approach
mediation and what skills to use to influence the case effectively and appropriately, through audience interaction.
Hybrid mediation techniques: through a panel discussion, this session will explore combined ADR forms, like med-arb, arb-med, coaching and
pre-consulting, among other practices.
The language of the conference is English, but translation into French and Spanish will be provided. An attendance certificate will be available
for those who request it.
We inform you that, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, and as announced in the privacy statement previously provided to attendees, we will proceed to make photos and videos of the event and this
multimedia material is likely to be used on the Intranet of the Office (INSITE) and in the different external communication channels of the EUIPO.
If any stakeholder does not wish to be filmed or photographed, please inform the organisers to allow them to take this into account when filming and taking photographs.
Thank you very much for your collaboration.
For more details on the conference and to register, visit the IP Mediation Conference registration page.